Royal Selangor X Marvel – 鐵甲奇俠 Iron Man 限量版錫合金手辦模型 (23.5cm) (RYS-017937R-FIG235-IM)
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Product Information
Marvel 官方授權產品(包裝盒附官方授權證書)
全球限量3000個 (每個均有獨立編號)
物料:錫合金(>90%錫, 銅及銻)
尺寸:高23.5CM(連底座), 底座18 X 18CM
A limited edition of 3,000 individually numbered pieces worldwide.
Facing down his adversary, Iron Man primes his gauntlet’s repulsor node to discharge a warning shot. Based on Marvel Comics’ Extremis storyline, illustrator Alan Quah and sculptor Mufizal Mokhtar render every aspect of Tony Stark’s Model 30 suit in first-rate detail, from the sleek headpiece and the chest’s triangular arc reactor, to the hip pods, thigh sensors, and the shoes’ prehensile grips.
Malaysians Quah and Mufizal, both highly respected by the international comics and collectibles communities, collaborated on this limited edition.