Product Information
Royal Selangor 皇家雪蘭娥是世界知名的錫製器具品牌,創立於1885,總部設於馬來西亞吉隆坡。錫材具有柔軟的特點,可透過各種手工技藝做出非常多樣的工藝效果。同時錫器富有光澤、無毒、不易氧化變色,是排在鉑金、黃金、銀後面的第4種貴金屬。Royal Selangor 所採用之錫材含有92-97%的純錫,另外加入少量銅及銻以增加其硬度。這種處理方式使錫材比純錫更沉重、硬度更高,更為適合做成不同的器具。
Warner Bros. 官方授權產品(包裝盒附官方授權證書)
物料:錫合金(>90%錫, 銅及銻)
尺寸:高9CM(連底座), 底座14cm x 10.5cm
Supervillain or antihero; Catwoman’s status in Gotham has always been hard to pin down, abiding as she does by her own moral code. Possessed of an almost superhuman gymnastic agility, her notoriety as a cat burglar is at odds with the selflessness with which she protects her neighbourhood.
Wielding her bullwhip as if it were an extension of her body, Alan Quah and Mufizal Mokhtar's interpretation of Catwoman’s signature suit and dynamic pose are shown to advantage in highly polished pewter.
Malaysians Quah and Mufizal, artists highly respected by the international comics and collectibles communities, bring the brooding Batman mythos to life.
About the collection
A collaboration with Warner Bros. Consumer Products, on behalf of DC Entertainment, this item comes in Official Batman Licensee packaging.
Size H9cm including base x 14cm x 10.5cm